Adhesive applications for construction and wood

Collano's success story began in 1947 in the construction and timber industry. More precisely, with adhesives for joineries, carpentry workshops and timber and element construction. At Collano, as well as being your experts for adhesive joints, we enrich the industry with our unique expertise and knowledge of materials, true to our roots in wood processing.

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Our special applications for adhesives in the construction and wood sector

Anwendung belegen dunkel
Anwendung hohlkasten und elementbau dunkel
Anwendung massivholzklebungen dunkel
Anwendung kantenklebungen dunkel


Collano offers users a choice of two veneer adhesive technologies: Ready-to-use dispersions and powdered urea adhesives. The universal dispersion veneer glues are suitable for veneering and panelling as well as for general carpentry work. Moisture and heat-resistant dispersion glues are recommended for gluing windows and doors and for veneering fireproof boards. The powdered, low-formaldehyde veneer adhesive is suitable for emission class E1.


Collano offers various adhesive technologies for overlaying and surface bonding: Adapted to the material properties of materials and surface layers. Collano offers several types of ready-to-use dispersions, which are used for overlaying various wood-based materials such as light wood and solid wood boards, and chipboard. They are also suitable for surface bonding of various absorbent and non-absorbent materials such as laminate boards as well as gypsum and cement-bonded boards.


Collano offers specific edgebanding adhesives for machine processing with edgebanding machines and for manual edgebanding. The EVA hotmelt adhesives in cartridge and granulate form are suitable for all standard application systems. EVA hotmelt adhesives can be used universally, are fast-melting, have very good wetting properties and exhibit string-free running performance.

Bonding solid wood

We offer dispersion adhesives and reactive 1-component PUR adhesives for bonding solid wood and wood-based materials. This makes professional wood bonding easy. Collano wood adhesives are the first choice for bonding solid wood and wood to wood indoors and outdoors.

Sandwich bonding

The specific type of surface lamination for sandwich elements is usually used for multi-layer structures consisting of different cover and core layers. The surfaces of the sandwich elements are predominantly decorative, while the core materials are functional - serving mainly as an insulating element or as a load-bearing element. Adhesives with good joint filling are ideal for these large surfaces. Collano adapts the adhesive properties to the machine conditions and the materials to be bonded.

Metal bonding

Metal to wood or metal to metal can be optimally bonded with Collano silane-based products - either as 1-component or 2-component adhesives. 1C silane adhesives can be used for bonding metal to wood. For bonding metal to metal, we recommend the 2-component silane adhesives, which offer an excellent adhesion spectrum on all common metals. Aluminium can be bonded to wood with our dispersion adhesive Collano DW 2040.

Hollow box and element construction

Collano offers specially-developed adhesives for timber and element construction . These are ideal for manual processing using Collano's PUR-Applico-Vario application nozzle. Hollow box elements made of wood for walls and ceilings are lightweight and statically highly effective. They enable column-free rooms and provide good sound insulation. Formaldehyde-free, the 1C PUR adhesive has various applications, such as bonding cross-laminated timber boards to form hollow box elements. Offering so many advantages, element construction with hollow box elements is very much on trend.


Collano offers high-performance adhesives based on silane and PUR for demanding indoor and outdoor applications in industry and commerce. The great advantage of assembly adhesives is the variety of materials that can be bonded with them. Whether aluminium, wood, stone, concrete, brass or coated surfaces - Collano assembly adhesives enable secure bonding. Extra-strong assembly adhesives - or high-tack adhesives - have a very high initial adhesion, which is ideal for assembly work. Collano assembly adhesives are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. They can withstand temperatures between -40 °C and +110 °C. Some products are UV-stabilised and can withstand direct sunlight.

Do you have any questions about our products? Please contact us

Thomas Amstad
Adhesives specialist
Stefan Christen
Adhesives specialist
Serge Regamey
Adhesives specialist
Germany & Austria
Othmar Kühne

Specialised in adhesives for carpentry and interior fittings

Construction professionals rely on Collano for carpentry work and interior fittings. Our adhesives not only create connections, but also inspiring designs and durable structures.

Innovative connections for construction projects

Collano is synonymous with innovative adhesive joints that take construction projects to the next level. Whether traditional constructions or avant-garde designs - we turn your visions into reality.

High-performance adhesives for carriageway transitions and expansion joints

Low-noise, tight and resilient, special adhesives from Collano master the challenges of roadway transitions or horizontal building expansion joints - in different climatic and weather conditions or with temperature fluctuations and different building structures.

Forward-looking services

Our commitment goes far beyond the supply of adhesives. At Collano, we offer services from start to finish - from consultation and planning to installation.

Adhesive application for your wood or construction project? If we don't already have them in our range, we will develop them for you.