Adhesives for sailing and skiing

Fibre-reinforced adhesive films from Collano are revolutionary. They combine exceptional strength with feather-light weight. The fibre-reinforced adhesive films are used as membranes for sails, in outdoor equipment, sports shoes or in ski construction.

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Lightweight power for peak sailing performance

As lightweight, high-performance components, our fibre-reinforced adhesive films enable an astonishing reduction in weight. They can be processed under temperature and pressure for various applications, including lightweight and resistant membrane sails. And all without compromise: our solutions are stable in storage and can withstand temperature and climate fluctuations.

Redefining ski construction - with fibre-reinforced adhesive films from Collano

Our super-strong and feather-light adhesive films set new standards in ski construction and enable customisable optimisation of ski properties according to the modular principle: more skiing comfort, better directional stability and added rigidity for an adrenaline kick. And all this without heavy additional 'baggage' on the skis.

Adhesive for skis, sails or other sports equipment? Get in touch with us - we would be pleased to advise you, no strings attached.

Ronny Ebling
Global Business Development Manager

High-performance fibres combined with water-based adhesives

The technology behind our fibre-reinforced adhesive films is pioneering. High-performance fibres are combined with innovative water-based adhesives from Collano to create customised property profiles. Our new, water-based thermoplastic and reactive matrix systems can be stored for up to one year at room temperature and also offer excellent heat-sealing properties. This means that lightweight yet robust composite or hybrid components can be produced in record time, with time savings of up to a factor of ten. Whether using hot and double belt presses, laminators, vacuum bags or blow dryer and hand roller application - processing is simple and the possibilities are endless.

Adhesive for skis, sails or other sports equipment? Get in touch with us - we would be pleased to advise you, no strings attached.

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